6G Test Network Finland (6GTNF)


Develop and provide test network and innovation ecosystem for B5G and 6G related technology and application research, development and testing of products, systems, and vertical industry solutions in controlled environment inside laboratories and large-scale technology, solution, and service field trials.


B5G and 6G technologies will provide needed performance for future application areas, like metaverse. Development towards 6G system architecture is progressing currently through three parallel and complementary deployment paths: 3GPP, ORAN and disruptive 6G paths. The role of AI is increasing.

6G testing network visualisation
Integration of test environments in multiple locations and coordinated management of resources enable wide and flexible support to B5G and 6G technologies and services research, development and validation.

Abstract photo of telecommunication tower

6GTNF offer:

  • Realistic telecom technology test environment based on real vertical system and service needs and requirements.
  • Leading edge environment to develop B5G and 6G based vertical industry solutions, services, systems and products.
  • Multisite test environment and co-operation network supporting B5G and 6G technologies and application research and large-scale field trials.

6G Test Network Finland (6GTNF) workshop, September 26, 2024, Presentations available

Core partners:

Aalto University logo

Helsinki University logo

Tampere University logo

Oulu University logo


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